The official Php framework for Google docs is Gdata framework which is integrated into the Zend Framework, but also available as a separate framework. Many samples of Google and Php integration are available online.
That said, I have made a class that will also download my docs from Google docs. I was able to do this thanks to stackoverflow and an answer I found to show how to download docs with curl and a few blogs that reference the same "download doc as xls" posting.
Here is an class I made using ClientLogin authentication. based on the Zend Framework Client library example available in the Google Php playground...
Hopefully it will show up ok in this blog with no script tags????
I have updated this to support temporary files...
there is a "bug" in the Zend_Gdata_Docs.
If you want to upload a temporary file, you need to set the mimetype.
Otherwise it tries to get the mimetype from the filename and FAILS with odd exceptions.
Updated again with better mimetype checking and error reporting.
<?php require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Docs'); class ConvertDoc{ // holds the service tokens private $_serviceSessionToken = array(); private $_user = ''; private $_pass = ''; private $_debug = false; private $_curl = false; /** * construct * * @param string $user The username, in e-mail address format, to authenticate * @param string $pass The password for the user specified * @param array $tokens Array of tokens for clientlogin authentication * @return void */ function __construct($username,$passwd,$tokens=array()){ $this->_user=$username; $this->_pass=$passwd; foreach($tokens as $service=>$token){ $this->set_service_token($service,$token); } } function debug($message){ if($this->_debug) echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' :: '.$message." <br/>\n"; } /** * convert * * @param string $filename the file name (either direct path to file or name of file with $tempfile holding the path to actual tmp file * @param string $newfilename save as this file name * @param string $tempfile file location if upload (/tmp/...) * @param string $format format of file to download * * @param string $gid The gid parameter is an absolute identifier for worksheets * for spreadsheets (if not numberic it will download entire workbook as one sheet) * @return void */ function convert($filename, $newfilename='', $tempfile='',$format='csv',$gid=0){ $this->debug('convert file'); // authenticate to docs list (wordly) $client = $this->getClientLoginHttpClient(Zend_Gdata_Docs::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME); $docs = new Zend_Gdata_Docs($client); $this->debug('authenticated'); // upload temporary file to ggl $newDoc = $this->uploadDocument($docs, $filename, $tempfile); $this->debug('uploaded'); // get the content source url $src = $newDoc->content->getSrc(); // download the data to the new filename if($this->_curl){ $content = $this->curlSrc($src, $format, $gid, $newfilename); } else { $content = $this->downloadSrc($src, $format, $gid, $newfilename); } $this->debug('downloaded'); // delete the temporary file on ggl $newDoc->delete(); $this->debug('deleted'); } /** * set_service_token * * @param string $service Which service to authenticate against. * @param string $token Token for the service identified * @return void */ function set_service_token($service,$token){ //echo "$service :: $token <br/>\n"; $this->_serviceSessionToken[$service] = trim($token);// make sure it is clean. } /** * get_service_token * * @param string $service Which service to authenticate against. * @return string */ function get_service_token($service){ if(!empty($this->_serviceSessionToken[$service])){ //echo "$service :: ".$this->_serviceSessionToken[$service]." <br/>\n"; return $this->_serviceSessionToken[$service]; } throw new Exception("session token not found for service {$service}\n"); return false; } /** * Returns a HTTP client object with the appropriate headers for communicating * with Google using the ClientLogin credentials supplied. * * @param string $service Which service to authenticate against. * @return Zend_Http_Client */ function getClientLoginHttpClient($service='writely'){ try{ $token = $this->get_service_token($service); $this->debug('token'); $client = new Zend_Gdata_HttpClient(); $client->setClientLoginToken($token); } catch(Exception $e) { // no token found so make it. $this->debug('newtoken'); $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($this->_user, $this->_pass, $service); $this->set_service_token($service,$client->getClientLoginToken()); /* example on how to catch exceptions, not doing it here, the app needs to handle it. try { $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($this->_user, $this->_pass, $service); } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_AuthException $e) { echo "Error: Unable to authenticate. Please check your"; echo " credentials.\n"; exit(1); } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_CaptchaRequiredException $e) { echo 'CAPTCHA answer required to login'; echo $e->getCaptchaUrl(); exit; // } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Unknown Exception'; exit; } */ } $config = array( 'timeout' => 60 /* timeout after 60 seconds */ ); $client->setConfig($config); return $client; } /** * Upload the specified document * * @param Zend_Gdata_Docs $docs The service object to use for communicating with * the Google Documents server. * @param string $originalFileName The name of the file to be uploaded. The mime type * of the file is determined from the extension on * this file name. For example, test.csv is uploaded * as a comma seperated volume and converted into a * spreadsheet. * @param string $temporaryFileLocation (optional) The file in which the data for the * document is stored. This is used when the file has * been uploaded from the client's machine to the * server and is stored in a temporary file which * does not have an extension. If this parameter is * null, the file is read from the originalFileName. * @return Zend_Gdata_Docs_DocumentListEntry */ private function uploadDocument($docs, $originalFileName, $temporaryFileLocation=false) { $fileToUpload = $originalFileName; if ($temporaryFileLocation) { $fileToUpload = $temporaryFileLocation; } // get mimetype from original file name $filenameParts = explode('.', $originalFileName); $fileExtension = end($filenameParts); $mimeType = Zend_Gdata_Docs::lookupMimeType($fileExtension); if(!$mimeType){ $mimeType = $this->mimetype($fileToUpload); } if(!$mimeType){ throw new Exception("No Mime Type!"); return false; } // Upload the file and convert it into a Google Document. The original // file name is used as the title of the document and the mime type // is determined based on the extension on the original file name. $e=true; $counter=0; while($e && $counter<10){ try { $this->debug('upload'); $newDocumentEntry = $docs->uploadFile($fileToUpload, $originalFileName, $mimeType, Zend_Gdata_Docs::DOCUMENTS_LIST_FEED_URI); $e=false; } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $e){ $r = $e->getResponse(); if($r->getStatus() == '408'){ // timed out $counter++; $this->debug('try again'); } else { echo "<b style='color:red;font-size:1em;'>GOOGLE ERROR: ".$r->getMessage()." : ".$r->getBody()."</b><br/>\n"; $counter=10;// stop loop } $e=true; } } if($counter==10){ throw new Exception("failed to upload file"); return false; } return $newDocumentEntry; } /** * get the mimetype for the file * * @param string $file Link to the source file to download * * @return string */ function mimetype($file){ if(class_exists('finfo')){ // new way, must be installed on php $this->finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME,'/usr/share/file/magic'); // use to return mime type ala mimetype extension if(!$this->finfo){ $mimetype='unknown'; } else { $mimetype = $this->finfo->file($file); } } else { $mimetype = mime_content_type($file); } return $mimetype; } /** * Upload the specified document * * @param string $src_url Link to the source file to download * @param string $format format of file to download * * @param string $gid The gid parameter is an absolute identifier for worksheets * for spreadsheets (if not numberic it will download entire workbook as one sheet) * * * @return Zend_Gdata_Docs_DocumentListEntry */ private function downloadSrc($src_url, $format='csv', $gid=0, $file=false) { // find service based on url $service = $this->src_url_service($src_url); // authenticate to service $this->getClientLoginHttpClient($service); // get the token from the service $sessionToken = $this->get_service_token($service); // now try to do our thing... $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => "GData-Version: 3.0\r\n". "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$sessionToken\r\n" ) ); // BUILD URL $src_url = $src_url . '&chrome=false'; if($format){ $src_url = $src_url . '&format='.$format.'&exportFormat='.$format.''; } if(is_numeric($gid)){ $src_url = $src_url . '&gid='.$gid.''; } // GET DATA $data = file_get_contents($src_url, false, stream_context_create($opts)); if($file){ file_put_contents($file,$data); } return $data; } /** * Upload the specified document * * @param string $src_url Link to the source file to download * @param string $format format of file to download * * @param string $gid The gid parameter is an absolute identifier for worksheets * for spreadsheets (if not numberic it will download entire workbook as one sheet) * @param string $file location of the file to save the data to * * * @return Zend_Gdata_Docs_DocumentListEntry */ // curl -o tmp1 -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth={authcode}" "{dockey}&exportFormat={format}" private function curlSrc($src_url, $format='csv', $gid=0, $file=false){ // find service based on url $service = $this->src_url_service($src_url); // authenticate to service $this->getClientLoginHttpClient($service); // get the token from the service $sessionToken = $this->get_service_token($service); // now try to do our thing... if($file){ // open file if saving to file. $file = fopen($file,"w+"); } // BUILD URL $src_url = $src_url . '&chrome=false'; if($format){ $src_url = $src_url . '&format='.$format.'&exportFormat='.$format.''; } if(is_numeric($gid)){ $src_url = $src_url . '&gid='.$gid.''; } // INIT CURL $curl = curl_init($src_url); // Setup headers - I used the same headers from Firefox version // below was split up because said the line was too long. :/ $header[] = "GData-Version: 3.0"; $header[] = "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$sessionToken"; curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);// follow redirects!! curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT,true); // TRUE to track the handle's request string. if($file){ curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE,$file); // file to write output to $data = curl_exec($curl); // execute the curl command } else { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // output to variable $data = curl_exec($curl); // execute the curl command } // debug info if($this->_debug){ echo curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT); var_dump($data); } curl_close($curl); // close the connection return $data; } private function src_url_service($src_url){ if(stristr($src_url,'spreadsheet')){ return Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; } else { return Zend_Gdata_Docs::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; } // not sure how to handle pdg with Zend. // } }
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